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Whitepaper: ‘The Intelligent Enterprise for the Paper Packaging Sector’

Energy-intensive companies, such as the paper and packaging industries, have been striving for decades to improve process control that leads to higher product quality with less energy consumption. Cost reduction and the environment always play an important role.

Paper and packaging companies

In recent years, information technology has advanced rapidly and has become affordable. These developments allow companies to apply IT to all steps in the value chain. They provide high-quality products, produce less waste, can add recycling opportunities and enable a circular economy. In addition, they must respond to global trends such as empowered customers, disruptive factors from adjacent industries, the availability and prices of raw materials and the adoption of the latest digital technologies.

Much will change in the coming years. It is predicted that by 2025, for paper and packaging companies, the balance will increasingly shift toward services. Services around customized products enriched with digital information. To comply, companies must change the way they work. Consider increasing the transparency of its own processes, real-world awareness, attention to customers and the environment.

White paper

This white paper takes a closer look at the transformation within the paper and packaging industry, the associated strategy and delivering the right solutions for running the digital backbone in the cloud.

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