A successful session “Get the most out of your production process. With 18 professionals in the fields of supply chain, business consultancy, IT and logistics, we talked about the challenges in the production process. Wouter Vervoort talked about the Quinso project methodology from his experience at clients such as Oerlikon and Hunter Douglas Europe. Jurgen de Jong followed that up by stimulating the participants by asking whether the Integrated Smart Manufacturing software could be a solution for optimizing the participants’ production process. Rens Konings of CoreDux was the closing speaker with his story about the project CoreDux went through with Quinso, “From Decision to Solution. With this inspiration and information, participants engaged in breakout sessions to discuss the future development of their production process.
“By far the most interesting webinar I have attended in the last year,” René Kuipers, Business Analyst at MCB, reported to us after participating in the session we organized. Wondering what he bases that on? Then watch the recording of the plenary part of the session “Get the most out of your production process. We can’t share with you the breakouts that followed, but of course you can always contact us to spar on this topic.